About Us

A world where the Earth and Moon are one ecosystem. A world where the Earth and Moon are one ecosystem.

A world where the Earth and Moon are one ecosystem.

Life on Earth in the future will not be sustainable without satellite-based space infrastructure. Communications, agriculture, transportation, finance, environmental sustainability, as well as a variety of industries will all depend on this extraterrestrial infrastructure. Furthermore, its importance will continue to rise as technology continues to evolve with innovations such as IoT and self-driving vehicles.

How should we develop space infrastructure to make it sustainable and efficient? The key is how we use space resources.

At ispace, we’ve turned our attention to the Moon. By taking advantage of lunar water resources, we can develop the space infrastructure needed to enrich our daily lives on earth, as well as expand our living sphere into space. Also, by making the Earth and Moon one system, a new economy with space infrastructure at its core will support human life, making sustainability a reality. This result is our ultimate goal, and our search for water on the Moon is the first step to achieving that goal.

However, we face many challenges. While technology is important, it alone can’t overcome every difficulty. Finance, law, policy, science, education, and environmental conservation all comprise a social system that must integrate into the planning process. Our vision has attracted the attention of many potential stakeholders around the world who we need to succeed at creating this new ecosystem.

The time has come for the world to reconsider how to explore and develop space. Until now, governments have taken on the task and risks of space development, and any setbacks reflected on administrations. We feel that this system has led to a slowing of growth in the space industry. Start-ups, such as ours, tend to be more willing to take risks, which equates to better potential to achieve results with more speed.

Recently, the space industry has witnessed many breakthroughs thanks to progress and the afore mentioned increased speed of development as different fields come together to bring new innovations.

At ispace, we’re enthusiastic about our systematic thinking and bringing different disciplines together to form a more comprehensive perspective on the industry while optimizing methods.

With Japan’s high-quality craftsmanship and coordinated leadership, ispace contributes to the construction of a cosmic-scale sphere of life that will support humankind. We invite you to contribute in developing a sustainable world by making the Earth and Moon one ecosystem that brings abundance to our lives.

Takeshi Hakamada

Company overview

Company Name
ispace, inc.
September 2010
Number of Employees
282 (as of March 31, 2024)
Capital Stock
JPY 7,775,500K (as of March 31, 2024)
Takeshi Hakamada
Founder & CEO
Jumpei Nozaki
Director & CFO
Ryo Ujiie
Atsushi Saiki
Board of Directors
Representative Director
Takeshi Hakamada
Founder & CEO, ispace, inc.
Jumpei Nozaki
CFO, ispace, inc.
External Director
Tohru Akaura
General Partner & Co-Founder, Incubate Fund KK
External Director
Koichi Kawana
President and Representative Director, Lublyst Inc. (Ex-Representative Director, President, JGC CORPORATION (Current JGC Holdings Corporation))
External Director
Takashi Kuwauchi
Representative Director & CFO, jinjer Co., Ltd. (Ex- General Manager, SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. Private Companies)
External Director
Kazuko Nakada
Representative Director, actuali inc. (Ex- Managing Director, LIFENET INSURANCE COMPANY)
External Director
Kojiro Hatada
President and CEO, Innovative Space Carrier Inc. (Ex-Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
External Director
Takashi Makino
Advisor, IHI Corporation (Ex-President, IHI AEROSPACE Co.,Ltd.)
Standing Audit &
Supervisory Member
Yuji Inoue
Audit & Supervisory Board Member, ispace, inc.
External Audit &
Supervisory Member
Agasa Naito
Partner, at Tanabe & Partners
External Audit &
Supervisory Member
Yoshihide Todoroki
CPA, TODOROKI Accounting Firm (Ex-Partner, KPMG AZSA LLC.)
Business Overview
To construct a sustainable Earth and Moon ecosystem implementing space resources:
・Marketing Support for Space Content Industries
・Sale and Survey of Moon Surface Data
・High Frequency Lunar Transport
・Payload Development for Lunar Orbiting and Landing
・R&D for Space Resource Development

Management Team

Takeshi Hakamada

Founder & CEO

Jumpei Nozaki

Director & CFO

Ryo Ujiie


Atsushi Saiki


Kenichi Imamura




ispace was the managing company of Team HAKUTO, one of the 5 finalists in the Google Lunar XPRIZE Competition, which was organized by the XPRIZE Foundation and sponsored by Google, called for privately funded teams to be the first to land a robotic spacecraft on the Moon, travel 500 meters, and transmit back to Earth high-definition video and images.